Big Sur – Engagement Session | Naureen & Shez

When Naureen and Shez contacted me for some idea’s for their engagement session, there was only one place I had in mind, Big Sur. Big Sur, is a 3 hour drive from San Francisco, which stretches along the Pacific coast. It’s truly one of the most beautiful places I have had the pleasure to shoot at, a coast line filled with steep cliffs, redwood tree’s and the wild Pacific ocean battering the edge of the US continent.

I am truly blessed that this job takes me to places far and wide, and I cannot thank Naureen and Shez enough for choosing me as their wedding photographer, bring on their wedding celebrations next year!

Below are just a few of my favourite images.

big sur engagement sessionbig sur engagement sessionbig sur engagement sessionbig sur engagement sessionbig sur engagement sessionbig sur engagement sessionbig sur engagement sessionbig sur wedding photographybig sur wedding photographybig sur wedding photographybig sur wedding photographybig sur wedding photographybig sur wedding photographybig sur south asianbig sur south asianbig sur south asianbig sur south asianbig sur photographybig sur photographybig sur photographybig sur photographybig sur photography