ISPWP Awards

The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers, was created to raise the standard of wedding photography. To become a member of ISPWP, is a tough application process, and is carefully curated by peers in the industry. Their requirements are talent, experience and professionalism and you have to have photographed a minimum of 50 weddings. The ISPWP contest’s are on of my favourites to enter, as each contest is also broken down into categories, which makes image selection a little more challenging, when entering a contest, which run quarterly.

For the ‘Fall 2014’ contest, I was invited to be a judge, which was an eye opening experience, and made me realise how many amazing photographers there are entering every round. You can see the award winning images from this contest here.

Below are my awards from ISPWP, which I am extremely proud of.

Engagement Portrait | Spring 2015 | 13th Place
engagementportrait spring2015
First Dance | Spring 2015 | 4th Place
firstdance spring2015
Engagement Portrait | Winter 2014 | 20th Place
engagementportrait winter2014
Bridal Party Portrait | Winter 2014 | 14th Place
bridalpartyportrait winter2014
Family Love | Winter 2014 | 13th Place
familylove winter2014
Bride Portrait | Summer 2014 | 9th Place
brideportrait summer2014
Family Love | Summer 2014 | 18th Place
familylove summer2014
Emotional Impact | Summer 2014 | 19th Place
emotionalimpact summer2014
All About Light | Summer 2014 | 14th Place
allaboutlight summer2014
The Wedding Dress | Summer 2014 | 5th Place
theweddingdress summer2014
Ceremony | Spring 2014 | 8th Place
ceremony spring2014
Ceremony | Fall 2013 | 13th Place
ceremony fall2013

The Decisive Moment | Fall 2013 | 6th Place
thedecisivemoment fall2013

Bridal Party Portrait | Summer 2013 | 5th Place
bridalpartyportrait summer2013

Wedding Dress | Summer 2013 | 7th Place
theweddingdress summer2013

Family Love | Spring 2013 | 13th Place
familylove spring2013


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